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cool soulfear map
i love this map
Look at CTB rank and check the Smothered Mate diff
rank 1,110
The First was for the first difficulty
what the fuck do you mean
For some reason, I found 2 problems, no one is using HR HD FL and DT altogether, and most of the people on the leaderboards are spinhacking.
youre right
i will now reply 2 years later saying eh there's not many spin hackers (and HR removes score this easy diff)
this was from 3 years ago actually
I'll beat you lncognito! :^)
by spin hacking of course
spinners war :p
Incognito is everywhere><
On easy why are no top ranks using hard rock?
Spinner gets harder to complete, resulting in lower spin bonus points. The Overall Difficulty (or "Difficulty" rating on beatmap pages) is relatively high in this case.
Lowers points for spin I think
what is this Bikko :O you can so tell its a bot or some mod playing :I
Old touchscreen play
oh yeah :D
Really fun map that takes a whole bunch of effort to complete omg [Smothered Mate] Still addicting ^^
too many cheater
lncognito literally beats every cheaters out there with his insanely legitimate spin...
serious case of lazy mapping deng deng